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"Registration Hold"

Paperwork is so stressful.

I genuinely get so much anxiety from it - it sucks.

I'm currently still in the process of getting all my shit approved by UNO in order to spend next semester over there. So far, it has not been easy. For starters, I started out the whole process later than most people seeing as all my health issues plus classes kept me away from going over to the offices for orientation. I eventually did start the process. Then, I almost missed the application deadline due to misinformation about the actual dates. Getting those recommendation letters &co. and then rushing about to get it all sent over and approved was, well, a rush. Fast-forward, I'm mailing my transcripts. TWO WEEKS go by and NOTHING. Like, I get that PR and LA aren't exactly neighboring "states", but still. TWO WEEKS? Eventually, I come to find out (after sending another copy, thinking the first one was officially MIA) that my transcripts had indeed arrived - they were just sent to the wrong office. Apparently, someone mistakenly placed me in the International Admission's Counselor's desk. Lovely. Finally, that get's processed and *drum roll* I get the official You have been accepted yadda-yadda. Here's the thing though, I'm not really into the whole celebration thing (hell, I'm missing an event for it) because to me, this is still all in paperwork limbo. Until I'm actually on that plane over to NOLA - nothing is real yet to me. Currently, I'm stuck at another ~problem. I mailed my Housing Application Forms and faxed my Immunization Form. (also, mail? fax? what is this 2004?) The former should be there HOPEFULLY by next week, the latter well - where the hell is it? According to the helpful lady who faxed it for me at PostNet, it went through. So, why has it not been processed yet? Why is it not in the system? Why is my Registration still on Hold? This is Unsolved Mysteries. Anyway.

I'm pretty sure I sent the right paper, filled out by the right guy aka my doctor lol. So. If Student Health Services could really get a move on on this, that would be swell - seeing as Registration for classes started oh yeah almost a week ago. There won't be anything left!

Ughhhhhhh. Paperwork is the fucking worst.


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