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"But why would we remove the wisest of our teeth"

If you have an answer, please let me know. And I type this as I currently lay on my bed with an ice pack to my face. So, guess who got all 4 of her wisdom teeth pulled out a few days ago? (Me. The answer is me.) Talk about a scary-turned-painful experience, kid. Let me tell you about it. So, originally my dentist told me I had apparently 5 of those suckers because that's what it looked like on my x-ray. The specialty dentist (not going to look up his actual title/he's the one who actually pulls out the teeth) told me that was some horseshit and that there were 4 and one was just the size of a MAMMOTH. (Ok, he didn't say mammoth, more like bull or something.) Anyway dude was a bit of an egomaniac which really didn't help this super nervous person right here. (And when I say super nervous, I mean had-stomach-problems-and-could-barely-get-dressed-without-spilling-everything-everywhere-that-morning nervous.) MOVING ON. I took the stuff, signed the stuff, waited for the stuff. Got called in, freaked the fuck out; got high as hell, passed the fuck out. Woke up in PAIN and still high. I cried. Got home, fell asleep – cried. Those first 24 hours are no joke. The pain meds became my best friends, those stupid jello cups were my salvation, and if I could have married the ice packs, well let's say I would be Mrs. Ice Pack right now. Thankfully, it's been a few days and I'm starting to feel better. I don't have to use those stupid gauze things because I'm not bleeding anymore (THANKYOULORD), I can now eat hot(ish) food that's basically been put through the blender since I can't open my mouth; I've been able to wash my mouth and thanks to the painkillers every 4 hours, I can function as a well, functional member of society. I did miss classes yesterday, but tomorrow I should be back to full capacity. Let's just hope the day goes by smoothly and I don't end up in a bathroom stall crying... or something. Teeth suck. That is all. -SF

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